Adult Initiation

Please click here for handout for talk on EG

Finding out about the Catholic Faith

If you would like to find out about the Catholic Faith, please contact the Parish Office.

Perhaps your partner is a Catholic and you’re interested in finding out more about what he or she believes; maybe you yourself were brought up a Catholic but have been away from it for some time and would like to make contact again – whatever your reason, you will be very welcome.

Think you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith?
We have regular meetings which you will find in the newsletter under ‘Talks on the Faith’: these are relaxed evening occasions where the group looks at different aspects of the Catholic Faith. People who come to these meetings are usually interested in becoming Catholics or becoming full members of the Church and will be preparing for Baptism and/or Confirmation.  Some people come just to hear more and to ask questions about Catholic life and faith. We try to ensure a comfortable, easy atmosphere where people feel able to learn about our way of life with no pressure.

Those who wish to will go ahead to Baptism or Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.  Our meetings include some scripture, exploring sacraments, looking at various ways of praying and sharing meals.

Learning (even) more about the Catholic faith
There are occasional evening sessions in the parish where we discuss Scripture and current issues relating to our faith.
A more systematic programme of learning is available through the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies which happens on Thursday evenings at the local University Chaplaincy. More  details can be found at or by contacting ccrs@brighton.
Other avenues do exist through the diocese or nationally – please contact the Parish Office.